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Psychic Reading

Psychic reading is always linked to paranormal powers. But it's not all about that. It has to do with skills and knowledge too. Reading tarot cards, runes, the crystal ball and the other tools or methods that a psychic uses to focus on the patterns and potential of your past, present and future requires a large amount of knowledge. They also have a very strong inner intuition.


Some even have visions and are clairvoyant, being able to have visions of things that are going to happen to the person being read. Some just receive images in their heads, while others see visions like movies.


There are different types of psychic reading. Here are the most commonly used ones:


Astrology – it may be very common and maybe you never actually linked it to psychics. A psychic astrologer can predict the events in your life based on where the planets are currently and comparing them to where they were when you were born. Timing is very important here. It's the most frequently used method in which people believe in.


Cartomancy – the most used way is Tarot reading. It uses a deck of cards to reflect aspects of the individual's life. It can reflect the past, present and even the future. It is one of the oldest psychic reading meathods for fortune telling.


Cleromancy – it's represented by throwing dice or stones. The psychic analyzes the position, proximity and orientation of the objects in order to perform the reading.


Crystal ball reading – sometimes referred to as "crystal gazing". It involves a special crystal ball where the psychic will see visions or images.


Palm reading – the psychic studies the lines, curves, wrinkles and shapes of the palm.


Psychometry – the ability to sense information by touching a particular object owned by the person being read. It's usually performed on favorite objects such as glasses, keys, etc. It's similar to clairsentient.


Runes readings – the psychic performs the reading by casting runes on a mat. In this way he or she is able to determinate future events or circumstances. Runes represent the ancient letters that were used to write Germanic languages.


Aura reading – psychics believe that there is an "auric field" that surrounds the physical body, protecting it from spiritual damage. A trained psychic can gather information about an individual by tapping into his energy field that is believed to contain memories, energies belonging to others or symbolic images.

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